Do you ever feel like the world is getting more dangerous? With two wars between Russia and Ukraine, you have Israel and Hamas; according to the( International Rescue Committee (14 June 2023), a report released by the United Nations High Commissioner, around 110 million people were forcible. Displaced, forced to leave their homes due to violence, war, or persecution.
These are the statistics of what violence can do to people.
we shouldn't have to live in fear of losing our homes
we shouldn't have to live in fear of our co-workers
we shouldn't have to live in fear of our partners
we shouldn't have to live in fear of being killed going about our business.
We shouldn't have to be in constant. Look out for danger.
We can't control what is happening in the world.
The world isn't perfect. Life isn't perfect.
We can, however, choose to hurt someone or not.
That you do have control over.
You have the power to make it a happy and peaceful home.